Combat arms line of sight na
Combat arms line of sight na

combat arms line of sight na

Due to the lower zoom level it does not excel at traditional sniping as well, but with a good eye it can be used for short-medium to long range combat, giving the Ballista a good amount of versatility. Overall, this attachment can prove to be a deadly one for a more aggressive sniper, as it can easily be used to quickly kill at all ranges provided that the player has good aim, though if the player misses or encounters multiple enemies, recycling the bolt is usually enough time for the enemy to retaliate. It should be noted that the screen prompt to hold breath is removed, but players can still hold their breath with this attachment, despite the prompt to do so not being visible.

combat arms line of sight na

This makes the weapon operate without its default scope, allowing for significantly enhanced peripheral vision and lower aim down sight time (making it the same level as assault rifles' ADS time), at the cost of a lower zoom level and the use of an attachment and one of the Pick 10 points.

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The Iron Sight is available solely for the Ballista as the tenth and final attachment in multiplayer. It is unlocked at the same time as the Ballista, upon completing the mission " Time and Fate". The Iron Sight is an available attachment for Ballista in the campaign. Weapon level 11 ( Ballista) (MP) " Rail mounted tritium Iron Sights." - Description

Combat arms line of sight na